

Meet Jen Broas of DoTERRA. Diamond Wellness Advocate and OC Oil Girl.

Post originally published on VoyageLA

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jen Broas.

Jen, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.Corporate business was my life. 

I went to college in Oregon for business so I could work hard and get a great job. I worked for a well-known financial firm in Newport Beach for about 10 years when doTERRA essential oils entered my life. They entered at a time when I had a 2-year-old and was pregnant with my second. For our first birth, we had gone through Bradley Method Birthing and used a doula to help with birthing.

I knew I wanted to incorporate essential oils into my second natural birth. What I didn’t realize at that time that doTERRA would not only change our family’s direction of healthcare, but it would change my career and financial freedom. I left my corporate job almost 3 years ago and have now been with doTERRA for 5 1/2 years sharing natural wellness and financial freedom with as many as I can.

My passion is still to share natural alternatives with everyone, but now my mission is so much larger. It’s to show you, that you can also trade your high heels in for flip flops. To help your dreams become a reality to no longer be working for someone else, but have time and financial freedom to live the life you dream of.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?

I wouldn’t call the road smooth, but I would call it worthwhile for sure. I was working part-time at my corporate firm after having my daughter. Now I became a Mom of two under two working part-time and starting a business. I would have never seen myself as an entrepreneur and there are days I forget that’s what I am.

I did have qualities of being a motivated self-starter as well as goal-oriented that kept my drive and passion for the road ahead. It was hard balancing small children, a husband, two jobs. But I knew the final destination of where I was going and I think that if you have a dream or goal, you have to have a big enough passion to carry it through. I now help others realize that within themselves.

Please tell us about Jen Broas, DoTERRA and Diamond Wellness Advocate, OC Oil Girl.

I’m definitely not your average stay at home mom doing a home-based business.

DoTERRA is the first network marketing career I jumped into. The company and their products really speak for itself. Our products are certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils and wellness products.

I have a huge passion for sharing natural wellness with others because our healthcare system is just not working as it was intended to work. Over the past few years through my travels up and down the West Coast, I have learned that people are hungry for a natural alternative.

What sets me apart from the other stay at home moms, is the fact that I have a business degree and I have worked corporate business most of my adult life. I understand numbers and the economy and I know an incredible compensation plan, product and company when I see it.

I am focused on changing peoples lives through the business aspect of doTERRA and helping them see they are just as capable of creating a time and financial freedom like I have done. My life looks nothing like it did before and I have doTERRA and my hard work to be thankful for that! I’ve never been so fulfilled in my life.

Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?

Growing up I had a very close relationship with my Mother’s Mom, which I affectionately called Gram. She’s someone I looked up to for my faith and wisdom. She was someone who always welcomed me with open arms and every moment with her was a fun moment.

I recall a very specific time we worked so hard creating peanut butter cookies from her special recipe only to realize when we cooked them and took them out of the oven, we had left out the peanut butter. She, unfortunately, passed away one year ago in January and I promised to keep her recipes alive in my home.

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